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Agropyron is a genus of Eurasian plants in the grass family), native to Europe and Asia but widely naturalized in North America.

Species in the genus are commonly referred to as wheatgrass.

  1. Agropyron badamense - Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan
  2. Agropyron bulbosum - Iran
  3. Agropyron cimmericum - Ukraine, Crimea
  4. Agropyron cristatum - Crested wheatgrass - Eurasia + North Africa from Spain + Morocco to Korea + Khabarovsk; naturalized in western + central North America (United States, Canada, northern Mexico)
  5. Agropyron dasyanthum - Ukraine
  6. Agropyron desertorum - Desert Wheatgrass - from Crimea + Caucasus to Mongolia + Siberia
  7. Agropyron deweyi - Turkey
  8. Agropyron fragile - Siberian wheatgrass - from Caucasus to Mongolia; naturalized in scattered locales in western United States + Canada
  9. Agropyron michnoi - Buryatiya, Zabaykalsky Krai, Mongolia, Inner Mongolia
  10. Agropyron mongolicum - Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Xinjiang
  11. Agropyron × pilosiglume - European Russia
  12. Agropyron tanaiticum - Ukraine, European Russia
  13. Agropyron thomsonii - Western Himalayas
formerly included

species now considered better suited in other genera: Crithopsis Elymus Kengyilia Leymus Thinopyrum Vulpia etc.