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An Agrocarbon is a plant or animal biomass origin solid carboniferous environmentally friendly material, obtained from zero emission carbonization processing by integrated pyrolysis and biotechnological means for sustainable open ecological and carbon negative soil applications.

In this context Agrocarbon is not a charcoal or charcoal based biochar in alternative name, which is originally produced for energetic fuel purpose and energetic char quality performance. The Agrocarbon full life cycle from feed material supply, zero emission production pyrolysis processing and formulation to carbon negative and eco-safe open ecological soil applications are reflecting sustainable environmental, climate protection, resource management and economical performances. The Agrocarbon meets all major international, industrial and environmental standards and Authority permit requirements.

The Agrocarbon input materials based on organic non food waste streams from the agriculture, food and forest industries, which feeds are not from primary or secondary land use. The Agrocarbon pyrolysis processing is based on zero emission pyrolysis processing, where all and any parts and components of the input material processed into safe and useful products. The refined and formulated Agrocarbon products are multi effect used for sustainable soil and carbon negative environmental and climate protection improvements, economical food crop production and forest nursery, including plant growth promotion, biological pest control, natural fertilization, soil moisture retention, restoration of soil biodiversity and natural balance. The Agrocarbon is applied in all formulations, from stand alone biofertilizer to any combination as compost or soil activator. Agrocarbon is the global brand name of eco-safe char products produced from the 3R Environmental Technology Group proprietary zero emission performance pyrolysis process.