vb. (context idiomatic of two persons or other parties English) To tolerate each other's opinion and stop argue; to acknowledge that an agreement will not be reached.
The term "agree to disagree" or "agreeing to disagree" is a phrase in English referring to the resolution of a conflict (usually a debate or quarrel) whereby all parties tolerate but do not accept the opposing position(s). It generally occurs when all sides recognise that further conflict would be unnecessary, ineffective or otherwise undesirable. They may also remain on amicable terms while continuing to disagree about the unresolved issues.
The phrase "agree to disagree" first appeared in print in 1770 when, at the death of George Whitefield, John Wesley wrote a memorial sermon which acknowledged, but downplayed, the two men's doctrinal differences:
Wesley was the first to put the phrase "agree to disagree" in print, but he enclosed it in quotation marks. In a subsequent letter to his brother Charles, Wesley attributed it to Whitefield (presumably George Whitefield): "If you agree with me, well: if not, we can, as Mr. Whitefield used to say, agree to disagree." Whitefield had used it in a letter as early as June 29, 1750.
"After all, those who will live in peace must agree to disagree in many things with their fellow-labourers, and not let little things part or disunite them."The phrase "agree to differ" predates "agree to disagree", having appeared in the early part of the century in a sermon by John Piggott: "And now why should we not agree to differ, without either enmity or scorn?" (Sermon on Union and Peace, preach'd to several Congregations, April 17, 1704). It expresses a similar idea without the play on words.
A related phrase, normally reserved for informal and temporary arrangements in political affairs, is the Latin phrase " modus vivendi" (literally, "way of living"), and it is used in the same manner as "agree to disagree". However, it can be viewed as a thought-terminating cliché in certain circumstances.
Usage examples of "agree to disagree".
If we could just agree to disagree and not get all bent out of shape.
Evidently, he would have to agree to disagree on the merits of Earthers with his deputy.
He had answered the question long ago, and so had she, and he wished they could just agree to disagree, and get on with it.