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Agonizer is a heavy metal band from Pyhäjärvi, Finland.

Agonizer (disambiguation)

Agonizer may refer to:

  • Agonizer, a Finnish heavy metal band
  • Agonizer, a device in "Mirror, Mirror" (Star Trek: The Original Series)
  • Agonizer, an Imperial Star Destroyer in Star Wars

Usage examples of "agonizer".

That would be the frequency the admiral kept one personal comm unit tuned to—something only his executive officer and one or two others aboard Agonizer should have known.

While you're doing that, why don't Wes and I smuggle ourselves aboard Agonizer and destroy her with thrown rocks?

But, more important, the Cutting Lens-class sensor ships showed one of the Star Destroyers, presumably Agonizer, leaving orbit.

Wedge turned back toward Agonizer just in time to see a brilliant fire flare up from its surface—the result of multiple missile hits breaching the shields and then the hull.

The right side of the screen showed the information display: a green outline of the Rom’s body, with blue traces of major nerves and yellow crosses where the agonizers were focused.

The cube was worthless: agonizers made Willall nerves fall literally to pieces.

In a seat opposite him sat the smallest, frailest Human Krenn had yet seen, including some who had spent days in the agonizer cube.

And that touch could pull out thoughts that the agonizer or the Examiner’s tools could never reach.

She held the agonizer to the communicator’s light, checking the setting, and applied it.

A hand tried to touch an agonizer to his ear, and he snarled and swept it away: then he realized it was the Surgeon, and the tool was a neural scanner.

Since you have already discovered the allergic reaction, I may as well tell you that torturing me with the agonizer will only produce my instant demise, not get you the information you seek.

By a stroke of luck and a bit of bluff she had won a brief reprieve from the agonizer but she wasn't sure Kang was convinced.

The guard replaced his agonizer while Eknaar checked the unconscious man.

Eknaar, I arrested without the agonizer too, and I know how to do it again.