n. One who is the same age as another person.
Usage examples of "agemate".
Issgrillikk whimpered in pain, as he had done before his agemate showed up and pride had made him stop.
Another two strides, and he almost tripped over Issgrillikk - his agemate, friend, and foster-cousin - twisted around himself in pain at the base of one of the Great Trees, his claws gouging up the rough, grey-brown bark and tearing long white streaks into the inner wood.
Issgrillikk - his agemate, friend, and foster-cousin - twisted around himself in pain at the base of one of the Great Trees, his claws gouging up the rough, grey-brown bark and tearing long white streaks into the inner wood.
He and his agemates had hunted in the sea for tasty mirrat, small finned swimmers which only migrated through the area at that time of the orbital cycle.
Long Hunt in the high-country ridges with the rest of his agemates, and could move through underbrush with no more noise than a passing thought.
One by one, on Midsummer Night, he and his agemates had set out from the river-valley settlement, heading into the mountains to stalk the carnivores of the high slopes.
One by one, on Mid-summer Night, he and his agemates had set out from the river-valley settlement, heading into the mountains to stalk the carnivores of the high slopes.
Code, he should throw himself on his face and despoil her no further while she got on with the business of screaming for her agemates, or her elders, or her delm to come quickly and dispose of him.
He and his agemates had hunted in the sea for tasty mirrat, small finned swimmers which only migrated through the area at that time of the orbital cycle.
Long Hunt in the high-country ridges with the rest of his agemates, and could move through underbrush with no more noise than a passing thought.