prep. (eye dialect of after English)
Usage examples of "afther".
Riverence, afther the telling, waited not a minute, but kicked the spurs into Terror, and the brave horse headed once more for the shore.
But as for you, Tom me boy, ye're no pal o' mine to have sent him afther me, bad cess to ye.
Scratching his head meditatively, he said: “An' all because av me wantin' to enjoy the blessin's an' advantages av civilization agin afther three long months in that danged gradin' camp, as is the right av ivery healthy man wid his pay in his pocket.
So sayin' the crippled man wint limpin' an' grumplin' down the borreen through the meadow, whilst this desarted friend sint rayproachful brays afther him that would go to your heart.
And he said with a brogue you could cut with a butterknife: ‘And were ye afther thinkin’ an O’Hara of Tara would be follyin’ the dirthy thracks of a God-damned Orangeman and a God-damned poor white?