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afternoon teas

n. (plural of afternoon tea English)

Usage examples of "afternoon teas".

Could there really be anything seriously wrong with a place that served old-fashioned afternoon teas?

The elite, to which he belonged, visited one another in a regular round of entertainments, picnics, house parties, and afternoon teas.

The hall above will be splendid for our dinner dances, and now we can have smart luncheons and afternoon teas.

Another passenger from the boat, whom Sivi knew, had brought Theresa to one of his afternoon teas and Sivi had offered her a job as his secretary, as a way to help.

Kleiman comes by and talks about Jopie's hockey club, canoe trips, school plays and afternoon teas with friends.

A hypocrite if ever there was one, a scrounger of Sunday lunches and afternoon teas, who dodged reality by erecting a pseudo-spiritual barrier, had found his niche in this out-of-the-way village.

But all I've got is the company of other army wives, and we get bored with one another after a few gossipy afternoon teas.