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n. (plural of aftereffect English)

Usage examples of "aftereffects".

So far the Better researchers have been extremely silent on the subject of the mental aftereffects of reanimation.

This difference in their behaviour seems at first inexplicable, but can, we believe, be simply explained by the difference between the initial power of the two forces under the above circumstances, combined with the wellknown principle of the aftereffects of a stimulus.

We must, however, assume that the aftereffects of the irritation of the tip by an attached object come into play, only after movement has been excited.

In order to observe how long the aftereffects of light lasted, a pot with seedlings of Phalaris, which had germinated in darkness, was placed at 10.

For the sake of observing how long such aftereffects lasted, a pot with seedlings of Beta was laid on its side in the dark, and the hypocotyls in 3 h.

The mind-twisting Something that had seized them all had left no visible aftereffects, at least down here.

Their minds remained separate, Hazel maintaining a firm barrier between their thoughts, but physically they became more and more in sync, until all the aftereffects of the boostings had burned away, his pain soothed and healed, and Owen was himself again.

The aftereffects of the prolonged use of the draught was to unleash all the pent-up fatigue and body-ache on the young men at once.

If she d trekked through the forest for any distance-and from the look of her she had-she was probably feeling the aftereffects of shock.

After being released from the hospital, despite receiving repeated warnings from the doctors about how serious the aftereffects of convulsions could be, Anna adamantly refused to attend followup appointments.