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The Collaborative International Dictionary

After-image \Aft"er-im`age\, n. The impression of a vivid sensation retained by the retina of the eye after the cause has been removed; also extended to impressions left of tones, smells, etc.


alt. An image which persists or remains in negative after the original stimulation has ended. n. An image which persists or remains in negative after the original stimulation has ended.

Usage examples of "after-image".

Each recollection, rising from the buried past, reawakened the dull, sad ache in his hands, the after-image of the neuritis from which he had suffered after he had lost his money.

To whichever of these six colours one exposes the eye, an after-image always appears of its contrast colour, forming with it a pair of opposites.

Goethe did not judge man from artificially devised experiments, but the latter from man, quite simple reflexions led him to the following view of the presence of the contrasting colour in the coloured after-images.

He, therefore, traced the interchange of light-values in colourless after-images to a 'silent resistance which every vital principle is forced to exhibit when some definite condition is presented to it.

On the other hand, it lacks that objective conformity to law characteristic of the after-images which mirror the order of the external world.

Perception of the after-images thus turns into what we may call perception of simultaneous images.

Etchells’s sensor blisters began to suffer from glare spots, similar to purple after-images which plagued human eyes.

His every moment creates subtle time lapse after-images the catch up his prime image in a graceful dance.

He blinks away the after-images of the dream and looks around the hotel room.

The grating anger growled and diminished, leaving burning after-images as the numb crews slowly came to their senses.

Then the light vanished so quickly it left blue and purple after-images dancing across his vision.

It was to be another ten years before I found the Modern Library Giant of _The Wandering Jew_ (no longer in print, alas) and consumed its 1,337 pages of faded purple prose like so many kilograms of popcorn, since when I have remembered its main outlines and best scenes with the seared after-image recall that some few paintings of the same era achieve -- Gericault's _Raft of the Medusa_ or Delacroix's _Liberty Leading the People_, paintings that could be dismissed as cliches if they had not established themselves as archetypes.

He leaned against the Stadium wall, retched, vomited, retched again, vomited once more, retched and retched and retched till his stomach was a pounding pain against his ribs, till after-images flashed across his retinas, till he felt as if he were puking up the whole foul planet.