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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Afro-Asian \Afro-Asian\ adj. 1. of or relating to the nations of Africa and Asia or their peoples. Afro-Asian population


Afro-Asian refers to a person of mixed African and Asian ancestry. The term also can refer to modern descendants of aboriginal, mostly uncontacted, Asian ethnic groups such as the Negritos. Historically, Afro-Asian populations have been marginalized as a result of human migration and social conflict. Much has not changed for many within the global, present-day, Afro-Asian population.

Afro-Asian (African Asian)

Afro-Asians (African Asians) are African communities that have been living in the Indian subcontinent for several hundred years and have settled in countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and India.

These communities are the Sheedis/Siddis, Siddi, Siddis settled in Karnataka and Gujrat just a 400 years ago, Sri Lanka Kaffirs. One of the largest communities of Africans in India and Pakistan, are the Siddis.

The term also encompasses the Negritos such as the Andamanese who are the aboriginal inhabitants of Southern Asia and Southeast Asia.