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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Affright \Af*fright"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Affrighted; p. pr. & vb. n. Affrighting.] [Orig. p. p.; OE. afright, AS. [=a]fyrhtan to terrify; [=a]- (cf. Goth. us-, Ger. er-, orig. meaning out) + fyrhto fright. See Fright.] To impress with sudden fear; to frighten; to alarm.

Dreams affright our souls.

A drear and dying sound Affrights the flamens at their service quaint.

Syn: To terrify; frighten; alarm; dismay; appall; scare; startle; daunt; intimidate.


vb. (present participle of affright English)

Usage examples of "affrighting".

Such boastful displays seemed typical of Aubage, as if he enjoyed affrighting his gentle lady, or were trying to impress Jathelle.