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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Affright \Af*fright"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Affrighted; p. pr. & vb. n. Affrighting.] [Orig. p. p.; OE. afright, AS. [=a]fyrhtan to terrify; [=a]- (cf. Goth. us-, Ger. er-, orig. meaning out) + fyrhto fright. See Fright.] To impress with sudden fear; to frighten; to alarm.

Dreams affright our souls.

A drear and dying sound Affrights the flamens at their service quaint.

Syn: To terrify; frighten; alarm; dismay; appall; scare; startle; daunt; intimidate.

  1. (context obsolete English) terrified. v

  2. (en-past of: affright)

Usage examples of "affrighted".

Representative Maigne, pushed by some affrighted women behind a door, was shut in with one of the soldiers who had just taken the barricade.

The Rue Veuve Saint Roch was thronged with a mass of affrighted passers-by, who came from the Boulevards flying rather than walking.

Eugenia, who, affrighted to see her thus strangely disordered, besought her to go back to the chaise.

Camilla, affrighted, earnestly charged Dubster to find any means, either of menace or of reward, to make them depart.

Camilla learnt, at length, this painful end of her embassy, she gave herself up so completely to despair, that Lavinia, affrighted, ran to the house for Eugenia, whose extreme youth was no impediment, in the minds of her liberal sisters, to their belief nor reverence of her superior wisdom.

Halder addressed at once to Camilla, such unceremonious praise of her beauty, that, affrighted and offended, she hastily seized the arm of Mrs.

Marchmont, whom the affrighted Camilla, springing forward, could only answer in catching by the arm.

The French camp is in this crater, stupefied, affrighted, starting up from sleeping,--a funereal swarming.

This was so unusual--their wishes, their good, was so invariably the rule of motion or of rest in their walks--that the girls, suddenly checked, stood silent and affrighted in surprise.

And then her thoughts went back to the various times of old, when, affrighted by the weather--sounds so mysterious in the night--he had crept into her bed and clung to her, and she had soothed him, and sweetly awed him into stillness and childlike faith, by telling him of the goodness and power of God.

He stood in a farther corner of the room, watching his delirious master with affrighted eyes, not daring to come near him, nor yet willing to leave him.

Only Thyra was once affrighted when a night-jar flew up shrieking, for she was divided in her thoughts whether the old gods or the new were the more powerful and this bird might have been the shape-shifting Odin in one of his avatars.

The difficultie and danger he told the Salvaves, of the Mines, great gunnes, and other Engins, exceedingly affrighted them, yet according to his request they went to James towne in as bitter weather as could be of frost and snow, and within three days returned with an answer.

Since my seafarer mask had so affrighted her, I slipped that off, too.

Rome was much affrighted when it looked as if the Mongols would overrun Europe.