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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Affirm \Af*firm"\ ([a^]f*f[~e]rm"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Affirmed (-f[~e]rmd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Affirming.] [OE. affermen, OF. afermer, F. affirmer, affermir, fr. L. affirmare; ad + firmare to make firm, firmus firm. See Firm.]

  1. To make firm; to confirm, or ratify; esp. (Law), to assert or confirm, as a judgment, decree, or order, brought before an appellate court for review.

  2. To assert positively; to tell with confidence; to aver; to maintain as true; -- opposed to deny.

    Jesus, . . . whom Paul affirmed to be alive.
    --Acts xxv. 19.

  3. (Law) To declare, as a fact, solemnly, under judicial sanction. See Affirmation,

  4. Syn: To assert; aver; declare; asseverate; assure; pronounce; protest; avouch; confirm; establish; ratify.

    Usage: To Affirm, Asseverate, Aver, Protest. We affirm when we declare a thing as a fact or a proposition. We asseverate it in a peculiarly earnest manner, or with increased positiveness as what can not be disputed. We aver it, or formally declare it to be true, when we have positive knowledge of it. We protest in a more public manner and with the energy of perfect sincerity. People asseverate in order to produce a conviction of their veracity; they aver when they are peculiarly desirous to be believed; they protest when they wish to free themselves from imputations, or to produce a conviction of their innocence.


vb. (present participle of affirm English)

Usage examples of "affirming".

She had carte blanche with a banker, and kept up a great state, affirming herself to be with child by the Viceroy of Catalonia, and demanding the honours which would be given to a queen who had graciously chosen Bologna as the place of her confinement.

Deity, fall into the flattest contradiction in affirming that the damned are infinitely superior in number to the elect.

But she took heart, she said, from the late successes of General Washington, an affirming figure for a dark passage.

And he wrote periodically to Vergennes, affirming his faith in the French-American alliance and passing along what little news from America came his way.

Her grace the Tyrant has entrusted us with a proposed agreement affirming the friendship of Saronnynn and Recluce, including other trade guarantees .