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n. (plural of affirmer English)

Usage examples of "affirmers".

One might imagine that the Affirmers would be more friendly to Earthlings than most of the more fanatical alliances.

When, in the last week of the exodus, the Affirmers had denounced the Crohiik Agreement and stated that the Affir­mation of Life required that even those who didn't Affirm had to be protected against themselves, these people had ev­idently taken to the mountains.

I have come to the conclusion that I began this journal out of unconscious terror when I discovered, after the Affirmers left, that I was completely alone.

But Leonardo was a well-rounded man, some­thing which the Affirmers are not-and something which I am beginning to admit I am not.

I know it has been kept in good condition, I also know that twenty years ago, before the Affirmers had developed the position that absolutely nothing might be taken physically from a museum, the ship was equipped with the latest Leugio Drive.

Up until the reappearance of the Family Ghost and my embarking upon these memoirs, I thought the Unanimity Affirmers had just overlooked me.

By knowing and understanding this Order and living in accord with it, we become affirmers of that Order and of life.