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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Affect \Af*fect"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Affected; p. pr. & vb. n. Affecting.] [L. affectus, p. p. of afficere to affect by active agency; ad + facere to make: cf. F. affectere, L. affectare, freq. of afficere. See Fact.]

  1. To act upon; to produce an effect or change upon.

    As might affect the earth with cold heat.

    The climate affected their health and spirits.

  2. To influence or move, as the feelings or passions; to touch.

    A consideration of the rationale of our passions seems to me very necessary for all who would affect them upon solid and pure principles.

  3. To love; to regard with affection. [Obs.]

    As for Queen Katharine, he rather respected than affected, rather honored than loved, her.

  4. To show a fondness for; to like to use or practice; to choose; hence, to frequent habitually.

    For he does neither affect company, nor is he fit for it, indeed.

    Do not affect the society of your inferiors in rank, nor court that of the great.

  5. To dispose or incline.

    Men whom they thought best affected to religion and their country's liberty.

  6. To aim at; to aspire; to covet. [Obs.]

    This proud man affects imperial ?way.

  7. To tend to by affinity or disposition.

    The drops of every fluid affect a round figure.

  8. To make a show of; to put on a pretense of; to feign; to assume; as, to affect ignorance.

    Careless she is with artful care, Affecting to seem unaffected.

    Thou dost affect my manners.

  9. To assign; to appoint. [R.]

    One of the domestics was affected to his special service.

    Syn: To influence; operate; act on; concern; move; melt; soften; subdue; overcome; pretend; assume.


Affecting \Af*fect"ing\, a.

  1. Moving the emotions; fitted to excite the emotions; pathetic; touching; as, an affecting address; an affecting sight.

    The most affecting music is generally the most simple.

  2. Affected; given to false show. [Obs.]

    A drawling; affecting rouge.

  1. Producing strong feelings and emotions. v

  2. (present participle of affect English)


adj. arousing affect; "the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene"; "poignant grief cannot endure forever"; "his gratitude was simple and touching" [syn: poignant, touching]

Usage examples of "affecting".

Artful men, who study the passions of princes, and conceal their own, approached his person in the disguise of philosophic sanctity, and acquired riches and honors by affecting to despise them.

On that inhospitable shore, Euripides, embellishing with exquisite art the tales of antiquity, has placed the scene of one of his most affecting tragedies.

Italy into Illyricum, affecting to lament his past conduct, and secretly contriving new mischiefs.

The sophists of every age, despising, or affecting to despise, the accidental distinctions of birth and fortune, reserve their esteem for the superior qualities of the mind, with which they themselves are so plentifully endowed.

The same uniform original spirit of superstition might suggest, in the most distant ages and countries, the same methods of deceiving the credulity, and of affecting the senses of mankind: but it must ingenuously be confessed, that the ministers of the Catholic church imitated the profane model, which they were impatient to destroy.

Belisarius pressed his retreat, by affecting to oppose a measure so salutary to the empire, and which could scarcely have been prevented by an army of a hundred thousand men.

Mourzoufle, an iron mace in his hand, visiting the posts, and affecting the part and aspect of a warrior, was an object of terror to his soldiers, at least, and to his kinsmen.

The joints of the elbow, wrist, ankle, or toes, may, however, be affected with this disease, but we shall speak of it in this connection as affecting only the knee-joint.

Hence, the palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia or acute attacks of indigestion, with colicky pains and heaviness after meals, with eructations or belchings of gas, or local discomfort and unnatural action affecting, at different times, almost every organ of the body.

That affecting the large nerve supplying the thigh and leg is termed sciatica.

Paralysis affecting the upper or lower extremities of the body PARASITES.

And the controversies and evils, which it is the object of the act to regulate and minimize, are local controversies and evils affecting local work undertaken to accomplish that local result.

Thus it was foreshadowed that the law of the land and the due process of law clauses, which were originally inserted in our constitutions to consecrate a specific mode of trial in criminal cases, to wit, the grand jury, petit jury process of the common law, would be transformed into a general restraint upon substantive legislation capable of affecting property rights detrimentally.

Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.

Justice Stone seems to be engaged in an endeavor to erect this into an almost exclusive test of the validity, or invalidity of State taxation affecting interstate commerce.