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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Afeard \A*feard"\ ([.a]*f[=e]rd"), p. a. [OE. afered, AS. [=a]f[=ae]red, p. p. of [=a]f[=ae]ran to frighten; [=a]- (cf. Goth. us-, Ger. er-, orig. meaning out) + f[=ae]ran to frighten. See Fear.] Afraid. [Obs.]

Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises.
--Shak. [1913 Webster] ||


a. (context archaic English) afraid


adj. a pronunciation of afraid [syn: afeard(p), afeared(p)]

Usage examples of "afeard".

An thou art afeard, thou knave, thou needst never look upon my face or speak to me more!

I have done with thee forever an thou art afeard even were the champion a Sir Alisander.

I shall smooth out thy frowns with a smile when thou hast heard this: this folk are not only afeard of their old enemies, the devil-led men, but also they fear those whom the devil-led men have driven out of house and home, to wit, the Burgers.

They know Papa was wroth with them for playing this game, how afeard he was that two of them might appear at once in the same place together, and bom be slain!

The maiden dares not openly disclose her whole desire because she is greatly afeard that Thessala may blame and dissuade her.

I have done with thee forever an thou art afeard even were the champion a Sir Alisander.

Into the grove full hastily he start, And in a path he roamed up and down, There as by aventure this Palamon Was in a bush, that no man might him see, For sore afeard of his death was he.

Bob, ez he war afeard Santy Claus would scorch his feet comin' down the chimbley, -- powerfull lucky fur we uns.

GLOSSARY Abashed, abased, lowered, 9 34 Abate, depress, calm, 7 IS, 22, 18 I9 Abought, paid for, 7 I7 Abraid, started, 9 32 Accompted, counted, 13 z Accorded, agreed, 12 Accordment, agreement, 20 II Acquit, repay, 4 26 Actually, actively, 4 20 Adoubted, afraid, 10 4 Advision, vision, 14 7 Afeard, afraid, 123 Afterdeal, disadvantage, 5 8 Againsay, retract, 13 7 Aknown, known, 8 14 Aligement, alleviation, 16 I6 Allegeance, alleviation, 18 I9 Allow, approve, 7 5 Almeries, chests, 17 23 Alther, gen.

Thou shouldst be afeard to admit thou wert ever dubbed a knight bachelor!

In another document, Baines speaks of ‘the horrible blasphemies uttered by Christopher Marlowe’, and goes on to state that ‘in every company he cometh he persuades men and women to Atheism, willing them not to be afeard of bugbears and hobgoblins and utterly scorning both God and his ministers’.