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vb. (context American spelling English) (alternative spelling of aestheticise English)

Usage examples of "aestheticize".

Hoover that allows the novel to comment on the way global politics become aestheticized, so much so that the history of the Cold War nearly disappears from American consciousness.

For Benjamin, aestheticizing the political is a defining feature of fascism.

By this aestheticizing, Jack misses the more relevant loop of production, consumption, and pollution that have created the very chemical spill that may cause the death he seeks to block from his thoughts.

If capital today is more concerned with ensuring that individuals perform their social labor as consumers, then we can see Condomology as an instance of aestheticizing the political economy.

I discussed earlier in Chapter 1, such an aestheticizing of the political is a defining feature of fascism.

DeLillo, far from aestheticizing the political, seeks rather to politicize the aesthetic.

The victims were carefully aestheticized, shown dying under white gauze to hide the pulsing red sores of the New German Flu.

All were frozen, their motion suspended, the horror of the situation oddly aestheticized by the rough grain of the medium.