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aerospace engineer

n. an engineer of aircraft and space vehicles

Usage examples of "aerospace engineer".

Soon after, every aerospace engineer in the country had his head up Apollo's ass, and the flow dried up.

The KGB eventually convinced Luger he was a Russian aerospace engineer, and he worked to advance the state of the art of Russian stealth warplane technology by several years.

For that you need an aerospace engineer and there is only one in the Ring of Fire, Hal Smith.

Lockheed Laboratory, White Sands Ewan McCaskell sat behind the desk of an aerospace engineer he'd never met and waited to talk to the president.

Furthermore, the Administration preferred a large contact team of thirty people, including three theologians, a lawyer, a physician, a representative from the State Department, a representative from the Joint Chiefs, a select group from the legislative branch, an aerospace engineer, an exobiologist, a nuclear physicist, a cultural anthropologist, and a television anchor personality.

Dylan Reed's message had interrupted her dinner with a pleasant but boring aerospace engineer.

My father was and as far as I know still is - a first class aerospace engineer.