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The Collaborative International Dictionary
AEolian mode

AEolian \[AE]*o"li*an\, a. [L. Aeolius, Gr. ?.]

  1. Of or pertaining to [AE]olia or [AE]olis, in Asia Minor, colonized by the Greeks, or to its inhabitants; [ae]olic; as, the [AE]olian dialect.

  2. Pertaining to [AE]olus, the mythic god of the winds; a["e]rial.

    Viewless forms the [ae]olian organ play.

  3. relating to or caused by wind.

    [AE]olian attachment, a contrivance often attached to a pianoforte, which prolongs the vibrations, increases the volume of sound, etc., by forcing a stream of air upon the strings.

    [AE]olian harp, [AE]olian lyre, a musical instrument consisting of a box, on or in which are stretched strings, on which the wind acts to produce the notes; -- usually placed at an open window.

    [AE]olian mode (Mus.), one of the ancient Greek and early ecclesiastical modes.

aeolian mode

n. (context music English) a mode that uses the same scale as the natural minor scale

Aeolian mode

The Aeolian mode is a musical mode or, in modern usage, a diatonic scale called the natural minor scale.