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n. (given name male from=Ancient Greek) of historical use.


Aegidius (died 464 or 465) was a Gallo-Roman warlord of northern Gaul. He had been promoted as magister militum in Gaul under Aëtius around 450. An ardent supporter of Majorian, Aegidius rebelled when Ricimer deposed Majorian, engaging in several campaigns against the Visigoths and creating a Roman rump state that came to be known as the Domain of Soissons. After winning an important victory over the Visigoths he died suddenly, and was succeeded by his son Syagrius.

Ralph Mathisen points out the name of Aegidius' son, Syagrius, "would suggest that he was related to the Syagrii of Lyons, one of the oldest, most aristocratic families of Gaul. Aegidius, in fact, has been proposed as a grandson of Flavius Afranius Syagrius, consul in 382". Other Syagrii Mathisen lists with a connection to Gaul are a great-grandson of Afranius, who had an estate at Taionnacus near Lyons, and a wealthy Syagria of Lyons who was described by Magnus Felix Ennodius as thesaurus ecclesiae.

Aegidius (disambiguation)

Aegidius (died 464 or 465) was a magister militum in Gaul.

Aegidius, Ægidius, or Egidius may also refer to:

  • Saint Aegidius or Saint Giles (c. 650-c. 710), hermit saint from Athens
  • Aegidius Corboliensis or Gilles de Corbeil (12th-13th century), physician
  • Egidius Parisiensis (c. 1160-1223/1224), French poet
  • Aegidius of Assisi (died 1262), one of the original companions of St. Francis of Assisi
  • Aegidius de Lessinia (died c. 1304), scholastic philosopher, pupil of Thomas Aquinas
  • Aegidius Romanus or Giles of Rome (c. 1243 – 1316), philosopher
  • Egidius Cantoris, leader of the Men of Understanding
  • Aegidius Campensis or Gilles Deschamps (14th century), Bishop of Coutances present at the trial of Joan of Arc, teacher of Jean Gerson
  • Egidius (Chantilly Codex composer) (c. 1350 – 1400), sometimes Magister Egidius, a composer in the Chantilly Codex.
  • Egidius de Francia or Egidius de Murino (late 14th century), sometimes Magister Frater Egidius, French composer and music theorist in Italy
  • Aegidius of Viterbo or Aegidius Canisius (1470–1532), Italian cardinal, theologian, orator, humanist and poet

Usage examples of "aegidius".

Aegidius Strauch, the religious zealot who had conspired with the Swedes and also demanded that the green woman, who had meanwhile found her way back into the city, be burned, we do not know.

The spymaster had not warned him that the traitorous General Aegidius had obtained a war galley to clear the way for his troop transports.