Advocis, The Financial Advisors Association of Canada, is a non-profit association of about 12,000 investment advisors, certified financial planners and other members of the financial services industry in Canada. Its responsibilities include setting standards for ethics and conduct by insurance agents. It was formed when the Canadian Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors and the Canadian Association of Financial Planners organizations merged in January 2003, after the merge was approved by the federal government and received Royal Assent in December 2003.
Advocis picked up lobbying activities on behalf of Canadian financial advisors after the dual mandate of the former Investment Dealers Association of Canada was found to result in a conflict of interest. The former IDA had been acting as both a lobby group for advisors, while also acting as a self-regulatory organization responsible for discipline and enforcement. In 2008, those enforcement duties were assumed by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.