Crossword clues for advisors
n. (plural of advisor English)
Usage examples of "advisors".
The National Security Advisor was in his shirtsleeves, his suit coat draped over one of the twenty or so chairs in the room where presidents had been meeting with their most trusted advisors since Dwight David Eisenhower.
It is a fact that hundreds of agents of this blood-soaked ideology became top advisors to Democratic presidents, worked on the Manhattan Project, infiltrated every segment of the United States government.
Cephalid sailors and imperial guardsmen swarmed around the ship while her advisors counseled her to escape while she still could.
Both advisors were quiet as Akeela approached, waiting for their king to speak first.
Captain Gul and his military advisors saw did not impress them, but they kept up their charade, thinking it would be a simple exercise to establish their fortresses and clamp down on any resistance.
Amazon military advisors, reverse the genders of every law on the statute books and every custom in the city having to do with relations between the sexes, and convert Tiryns into an absolute matriarchy.
With regal and fair bearing, yet a bearing of ease, the visitor gazed at the king and his advisors with a smile.
And I think he trusts me enough that he will grant you an audience without his advisors present.
Carus, closer yet, for a hundred times their number of the sort of advisors the others had in their service.
Your lineage, your wealth, and the patriotism that led you to act when your king would notthese all mark you as the sort of advisors any ruler would wish to have.
Letting me and my advisors in to speak with His Majesty is the only way to save him.