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n. (plural of adulterer English)


Adulterers, also known as Avouterie, is a 2015 drama film directed by H.M. Coakley.

Usage examples of "adulterers".

The young-man who was the comeliest of all the adulterers, ran away, and did nothing else that night save onely bewaile his striped and painted buttockes.

Patrick sent all those leftover snakes from Ireland down there just so Lucifer could make up a pit for adulterers to sleep in.

Saint John says that adulterers shall be in Hell "in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone"- in the fire for the lechery, in brimstone for the stink of their filthiness.

And it is like homicide, for it cuts in twain and breaks asunder those that were made one flesh, and therefore, by the old law of God, adulterers should be slain.

If any epidemiologist had realised that only adulterers and homosexuals were dying, the idea had not yet filtered through to the press.

It would also allow adulterers to copulate, and homosexuals to practise their abominations.

Excited by the scandal, these people plan a "skimmity-ride"--a mock parade to ridicule adulterers through the town to shame Henchard and Lucetta.

Perhaps it was an essential of adulterers because so much of their campaigning was done on the telephone.