Adjunct professor (adjunct lecturer and adjunct instructor, or adjunct faculty collectively) is a broad-concept type of professors and faculty (academic staff) in higher education, at an academic rank below the highest level of professorship. For example, adjuncts are non-tenure-track faculty in the U.S. and in Canada.
- In Canada, adjunct professors are often nominated in recognition of active involvement with the appointing institution, while they are employed by government, industry, a profession or another institution. The Course Lecturer appointment is used if the appointment is strictly to teach one or more courses, contrasting with US usage of the title for all instructors.
- In countries such as Argentina and Brazil, a similar designation, Professor adjunto, does imply stable full-time employment.
- In parts of Spain, Profesor Adjunto is a non-tenured position.
- In Hungary, there exist the similar term Adjunktus.
- In Thailand, Adjunct (Assistant/Associate) Professors are considered "non-regular officers".
- In Pakistan, Adjunct (Assistant/Associate) Professors are also considered as non-regular faculty members and usually posts are given to Pakistani overseas scientists under Faculty Development Program.
Usage examples of "adjunct professor".
Columbia University had more than once invited him in to be an adjunct professor of journalism .
The adjunct professor of thermal philosophy was busy stuffing books and papers into a heavy leather bag.
The MIT graduate and adjunct professor of computer science at American University and Georgetown shook everyone's hand.
Soon she embarked on her first serious romance, with a divorced adjunct professor who claimed to have won prizes for his reportage of the Vietnam War.
Before I got shot, I'd taught a class at John Jay as an Adjunct Professor, so I wasn't asking for much and I got it.
He is currently Adjunct Professor of Anthropology at Miami University.
Now an adjunct professor at Blackstone Law School, where he'd previously been full-time, Malatesta continued to meet a single Torts class.
Banning, USMC, who was both commanding officer of Marine Barracks, Charleston, and Adjunct Professor of Naval Science at his alma mater, officially the Military College of South Carolina, but far better known as the Citadel.
Banning, USMC, who was both commanding officer of Marine Bar-racks, Charleston, and Adjunct Professor of Naval Science at his alma mater, officially the Military College of South Carolina, but far better known as the Citadel.
Haldeman now combines his writing career with a position as adjunct professor teaching writing at MIT His latest novel, Forever Peace, won the igg8 Hugo award, and will be published in ~ by Millennium.
As an adjunct professor at the university I would not be required to teach in the daytime and the paper trail was less complicated.