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n. (plural of adherent English)

Usage examples of "adherents".

Indeed, a number of its adherents have shifted to the idea that other Iraqi opposition groups could better play the crucial role of the ground force element in the strategy--the anvil for the U.

Quintus Sertorius to Gaius Marius from his earliest days in military service right through to the end which saw even his loyalest adherents recoil in horror makes me wonder about that name, Rhea.

With the result that Indutiomarus is gathering adherents hand over fist.

Therefore to be inveigled into lending Pompeius or his adherents money is tantamount to throwing it into the sea.

His programs toppled, his adherents dead, his enemies baying for his blood.

While ever there is healthy political competition, the more feral among my adherents can be kept in order.

When asked if he had any preferences as to whom among his adherents he would like as fellow consul, he indicated that he would quite like his old friend and colleague, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus.

Syria, so all your clients and adherents in northern Syria fled at once to Cilicia.

Caesar made me heir not just to money and estates, but to his clients and adherents, his power, his destiny, his godhead.

Their political status was simply that of the old loyalists, or adherents of the British crown in the American war for Independence, and it was as absurd to call them the State, as it would have been for Great Britain to have called the old Tories the colonies.

They promise a limitless production budget, however often their adherents have been disappointed and betrayed.

This fidelity the French and their adherents counteracted by another kind of devotion: the priests affirmed that St.

It would be preparing the ground upon which he and his adherents might subsequently work.