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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Children who have had large adenoids removed develop slightly better hearing thresholds than those who have had smaller adenoids removed.
▪ Size of adenoids affected the gains in mean hearing thresholds of only those children receiving adenoidectomy.
▪ Some relation between size of adenoids and thresholds of hearing has also been shown.
▪ The answer could be to remove the tonsils or adenoids, according to a study of 60 children in Oxford.
▪ The filtering function of lymphatic tissue enables the tonsils and adenoids to trap pathogens.

n. (plural of adenoid English)

Usage examples of "adenoids".

Even assuming that their special malaises are wholly offset by the effects of alcoholism in the male, they suffer patently from the same adenoids, gastritis, cholelithiasis, nephritis, tuberculosis, carcinoma, arthritis and so on--in short, from the same disturbances of colloidal equilibrium that produce religion, delusions of grandeur, democracy, pyaemia, night sweats, the yearning to save humanity, and all other such distempers in men.

Mr Marinville, who likes to be called Johnny, watched with us for quite a while, the three of us eating banana cake and drinking chocolate milk like old pals, and when I apologized for Seth's wet breathing (mostly because it drives me nuts, of course), Marinville just laughed and said that Seth couldn't help his adenoids.

God knew what the device was for, but a man without his adenoids in a city full of Muskies and hungry German Shepherds would not have built it further from home than could be helped.

I'd been sufficiently impressed by the pustulated state of his adenoids, in fact, to have described them in detail to ail and sundry over dinner-causing Lizzie to go green round the gills and give her second potato to Germain-and had mentioned at the time that surgery was really the only possible effective cure.