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n. (context surgery English) Surgical removal of the adenoids, or of adenoid growths in the nasopharynx; commonly performed along with tonsillectomy.


n. surgical removal of the adenoids; commonly performed along with tonsillectomy


Adenoidectomy is the surgical removal of the adenoids for reasons which include impaired breathing through the nose, chronic infections, or recurrent earaches. The surgery is less commonly performed in adults in whom adenoids are considered vestigial and purposeless. It is most often done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Post-operative pain is generally minimal and reduced by icy or cold foods. The procedure can be combined with tonsillectomy if indicated and recovery time can range from several hours to two or three days (though as age increases so does recovery time).

Adenoidectomy is not often performed under one year of age as adenoid function is part of the body's immune system but its contribution to this decreases progressively beyond this age.