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n. (plural of addict English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: addict)

Usage examples of "addicts".

Drug addicts tend to fall into different classes: those who like downs and Mr.

Violence requires all different kinds of energy, and most drug addicts like to expend their energy not on their professional crime but on what their professional crime lets them afford.

Carnes also edits Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, which has articles about sexual offenders, women addicts, adolescent addicts, recovery for couples, etc.

Women Who Love Sex Addicts and 101 Practical Exercises for Sexual Addiction Recovery.

Of course, sex addicts embarrass their relatives and friends, get and pass on sexually transmitted diseases, have financial and legal troubles, and they hurt almost everyone they have sex with, in some cases very seriously disrupting lives.

Last year, betting mainly with wealthy cocaine addicts, I switched all my bets from Washington to Miami on Friday night -- and in the resulting confusion my net winnings were almost entirely canceled by widespread rancor and personal bitterness.

So I began betting heavily on Miami-- which worked out nicely, on paper, but some of my heaviest bets were with cocaine addicts, and they are known to be very bad risks when it comes to paying off.

This book is invaluable to anyone who fears that his home might be invaded, at any moment, by rioters, rapers, looters, dope addicts, niggers, Reds or any other group.

Here, in Ontario, we had a ninety-five percent addiction with the population so thinly spread there was no hope of weeding out the addicts or suppressing the peddlers as you did back home.

It may interest you to know that only one in five actual users become addicts and we have learned enough to classify the potential addict.

Four thousand addicts were so far gone they died of starvation, another eight thousand became insane and ran amok.

Twenty-four thousand became third degree addicts for whom nothing could be done.

After a subjective love-affair, addicts become halfhearted about the real thing and that was the end of that.

Mary Ann Holloman, thirty-nine, whose last address was the Regina Residence Hotel, an East Village home to crack addicts and prostitutes.

Joel, who was implying that it was unjust that there was no twelve-step program for serial murderers as there was for alcoholics, drug addicts, and co-dependents.