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Added value

Added value in financial analysis of shares is to be distinguished from value added. Used as a measure of shareholder value, calculated using the formula:

Added Value = Price that the product/service is sold at - cost of producing the product

Added Value can also be defined as the difference between a particular product's final selling price and the direct and indirect input used in making that particular product. Also it can be said to be the process of increasing the perceived value of the product in the eyes of the consumers (formally known as the value proposition).

The difference is profit for the firm and its shareholders after all the costs and taxes owed by the business have been paid for that financial year. Value added or any related measure may help investors decide if this is a business that is worthwhile investing on, or that there are other and better opportunities ( fixed deposits, debentures).

Usage examples of "added value".

Incredibly, the added value as antiquities easily pushed the price well over one billion dollars on the underground market.

Because the items were rare and bestowed as gifts, they had an added value.

Trunnels we calls em, the man said of the tree nails Paxmore had been carving, and as trunnels they acquired added value, for this meant that they were part of an ancient heritage.

Considering our risk and the added value of the treasure, ten million cash above our original agreement is not too much to ask.

But when a disk of gold is stamped by a coiner with certain pompous words and the picture of a King, it takes on added value—.

I can see the strength of your position here and I appreciate the value of your operations in the development of this country, which mean, of course, an added value to the Company's property and interests.

It had not yet decided if the units were of any added value, and hedged its bets on that score.

Unless one has had a popular success, from which instant name-identification provides an added value for their table of contents, it is strictly the quality of the material that buys a writer the chance at that forum.

And there was the added value that Jimmy Doohan, Nichelle Nichols, and George Takei always brought to Star Trek.