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Addaya was an Egyptian commissioner during the period of the Amarna letters correspondence (1350-1335 BC). The majority of the Amarna letters were written to the pharaoh of Egypt during a 15-20 year time period.

Addaya is only referenced in four EA Amarna letters ( EA for 'el Amarna'). He is in letter EA 254, no. 3 of 3 by Labaya, the person who was aligned with the Habiru of Canaan, the Habiru being one of the main topics of the entire body of Amarna letters. Addaya is also in 3 letters by Abdi-Heba of Jerusalem, (called Uru-salim in the Amarna letters – EA 289, URU- Ú- ru- sa-lim, "(City)-Uru-salim").

Because Addaya is only mentioned in the letters of Uru-salim, and Šakmu-(of Labaya, modern Shechem-( Nablus)), it can be assumed that Addaya only did business in southern Canaan, or at least in the area of Jerusalem.