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The Collaborative International Dictionary

adam-and-eve \adam-and-eve\ n. 1. North American orchid ( Aplectrum hyemale) bearing a single leaf and yellowish-brown flowers.

Syn: puttyroot.


n. North American orchid bearing a single leaf and yellowish-brown flowers [syn: puttyroot, Aplectrum hyemale]

Usage examples of "adam-and-eve".

It did not matter that the little squat apple-tree between Adam-and-Eve had become a thing of rose-and-snow beauty--that the hills beyond the hollow were of green silk, purple-misted--that the daffodils were out in the garden--that the birches were hung all over with golden tassels-- that the Wind Woman was blowing white young clouds across the sky.

She wished SHE could get out and go home--she pictured herself and her cat running eagerly along the dark, starlit roads to the little house in the hollow--back to the birches and Adam-and-Eve and Mike, and the old wing-chair and her dear little cot and the open window where the Wind Woman sang to her and at dawn one could see the blue of the mist on the homeland hills.