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actual bodily harm

alt. (context British legal English) Hurt or injury which interferes with the health or comfort of the victim and which is more than transient or trifling. n. (context British legal English) Hurt or injury which interferes with the health or comfort of the victim and which is more than transient or trifling.

Usage examples of "actual bodily harm".

He was still reluctant to show his full strength, and nervous of causing the eunuchs any actual bodily harm.

However, what I found behind the typewriter, when I blew into the clerk's room after a hard day's work on an actual bodily harm in Acton a few weeks after my conference with Tracy's parents, was nothing more mechanical than an unusually pretty and very young woman, wearing a skirt as short as a suspended sentence and a smile so ready that it seemed never to leave her features entirely but to be waiting around for the next opportunity to beam.

I have spent many long hours seated at desks where I would have greeted almost any kind of injury as a welcome diversion, but never once have I come close to achieving actual bodily harm.

Sent to borstal in 1948 for breaking and entering, theft and causing actual bodily harm.

Rebus had read the file on Gavin MacMurray: two arrests for breach of the peace and actual bodily harm, but a lot more information to his name than that.