Usage examples of "act as".
But someone will have to act as guardian for little Eddie and watch over his affairs.
Karen stepped carefully across a hole in the floor that must act as a drain, and went to Cameron's side.
So she was expected to act as Kay's maid, as well as her office assistant.
After all, the girl was trying to prepare for her exams, as well as act as an unpaid secretary and accountant to a thriving little business, while everyone who passed her in the street must have known that it could only be a matter of weeks before she was due to give birth.
Even with Ria to act as her anchor, there was a real possibility that Kayla might lose herself.
Mist the seeds with a spray bottle of water, apply a piece of facial tissue to the dampened crevice to act as biodegradable mulch, and mist regularly while the seeds germinate and become established.