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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Acetous \A*ce"tous\ (#; 277), a. [L. acetum vinegar, fr. acere to be sour.]

  1. Having a sour taste; sour; acid. ``An acetous spirit.''
    --Boyle. ``A liquid of an acetous kind.''
    --Bp. Lowth.

  2. Causing, or connected with, acetification; as, acetous fermentation.

    Acetous acid, a name formerly given to vinegar, which is a dilute solution of acetic acid.


a. 1 Having a sour taste; sour; acid. 2 Causing, or connected with, acetification; as, '''acetous''' fermentation.


adj. tasting like vinegar [syn: acetose, vinegary]

Usage examples of "acetous".

Botanically, each fruit is a collection of berries on a common pulpy receptacle, being, like the Strawberry, especially wholesome for those who are liable to heartburn, because it does not undergo acetous fermentation in the stomach.

Like the strawberry, if eaten without sugar and cream, it does not undergo any acetous fermentation in the stomach, even with gouty or strumous persons.