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account books

n. (account book English)

Usage examples of "account books".

He cleaned out his desk, throwing away personal papers and his personal account books.

Cyric paced around the huge room, taking in the drying racks crammed with badly cut sheets and tables piled high with account books.

I will tell you that I learned arithmetic, and how to keep account books, and how to calculate the exchange of the various sorts of currency in use&mdash.

Carefully kept account books of her personal expenses were mixed up with billets dous, paints and pomades, moneylenders' circulars, bella-donna and cantharides.

But Master Thomas's account books, and some parchments of value, and charters .

But the case was full almost to the brim with receipted bills, estimates, legal agreements, account books and scores of private letters that had accumulated over many years.