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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Accipiter \Ac*cip"i*ter\, n.; pl. E. Accipiters. L. Accipitres. [L., hawk.]

  1. (Zo["o]l.) A genus of rapacious birds; one of the Accipitres or Raptores.

  2. (Surg.) A bandage applied over the nose, resembling the claw of a hawk.


n. (plural of accipiter English)

Usage examples of "accipiters".

Luz, for it was he in the disguise of the sparrow, knew what kind of country accipiters preferred, and steered clear of such.

And like the accipiters, when the one-horn took shelter in a clump of brush, Keman went right in after it, hunger making him blind to everything but his quarry, even to the possibility of damage to his wings.