Crossword clues for acciaccatura
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Acciaccatura \Ac*ciac`ca*tu"ra\, n. [It., from acciaccare to crush.] (Mus.) A short grace note, one semitone below the note to which it is prefixed; -- used especially in organ music. Now used as equivalent to the short appoggiatura.
n. (context music English) A short grace note (theoretically taking no time at all), occurring on the beat occupied by the main note to which it is prefixed, one scale-step higher or lower than that main note. (Sometimes equivalent, therefore, to a short ''appoggiatura'', but in Baroque music interpreted differently and more strictly.) Written as a note lighter in appearance, typically a quaver (eighth note), with an oblique stroke through the stem.
n. an embellishing note usually written in smaller size [syn: grace note, appoggiatura]
[also: acciaccature (pl)]
Usage examples of "acciaccatura".
The appoggiatura is always accented, but the acciaccatura never is, the stress always falling on the melody tone.
In organ music the acciaccatura is still taken to mean that the embellishing tone and the melody tone are to be sounded together, the former being then instantly released, while the latter is held to its full time-value.