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n. 1 (plural of accession English) 2 A collection of laboratory tests performed on a single sample. vb. (en-third-person singular of: accession)

Usage examples of "accessions".

Thus in 1893 the British Museum acquired a sizeable number of Lamaistic images from a collection formed in Peking and in the following years there were further significant accessions, particularly from the Tibetan fringes of India as well as from Sikkim and Bhutan.

The most remarkable accessions to the strength of Rome, by the aggregation of conquered and foreign nations, took place under the regal and patrician - we may add, the Imperial government.

The actual or legal authority of Clovis could not receive any new accessions from the consular dignity.

Through extensive advertisement by the company, through the general interest in the subject and the natural flow of emigration to the West, Kansas was receiving large accessions of free-state settlers.

We thought that they were capable of receiving and meliorating, and above all of preserving, the accessions of science and literature, as the order of Providence should successively produce them.

He had made some small accessions to the changes in human physiology in that time.

The inspiriting sound of other carriages was heard, and continual accessions of portly chaperons and strings of smartly-dressed girls were received, with now and then a fresh gentleman straggler, who, if not enough in love to station himself near any fair creature, seemed glad to escape into the card-room.

In New Lisbon, our great manufacturing city, with its population of nearly one hundred thousand, the party gained three thousand votes, while the accessions to the Republican ranks were only about four hundred.

But the necessities of the Americans, the want of military `materiel', the thinness of the regiments, and the increasing strength of the British, derived from foreign troops and accessions from other posts in America, left it doubtful, under existing circumstances, whether it could be long retained.