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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Accentual \Ac*cen"tu*al\, a. Of or pertaining to accent; characterized or formed by accent.


a. 1 Of or pertaining to accent; characterized or formed by accent. 2 Designating verse rhythms based on stress accents.

  1. adj. of or pertaining to accent or stress

  2. (of verse) having a metric system based on stress rather than syllables or quantity; "accentual poetry is based on the number of stresses in a line"; "accentual rhythm" [ant: quantitative, syllabic]

Usage examples of "accentual".

We counted Greek quantities until we were worn out, only to feel the rug pulled out from under us when he suddenly confronted us with the possibility, in fact the necessity, of accentual instead of a quantitative scansion, and so on.

The present modernization attempts to retain as far as possible the alliterative and accentual characteristics of the original.

Judgement of the verse has often gone astray through listening for an accentual rhythm and pattern: and it seems to halt and stumble.