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This article is about a group of ray-finned fish called Acanthomorpha or acanthomorphs. ‘’Acanthomorph’‘ is also a descriptive name for a spiny-walled subgroup of the microscopic fossils called acritarchs.

Acanthomorpha (meaning "thorn-shaped" in Greek) is a huge taxon of teleost fishes with spiny- rays. The clade contains about one third of the world’s modern species of vertebrates: over 14,000 species.

A key anatomical innovation in acanthomorphs is hollow and unsegmented spines at the anterior edge of the dorsal and anal fins. A fish can extend these sharp bony spines to protect itself from predators, but can also retract them to decrease drag when swimming. Another shared feature is a particular rostral cartilage, associated with ligaments attached to the rostrum and premaxilla, that enables the fish to protrude its jaws considerably to catch food.

Rosen coined the name in 1973 to describe a clade comprising Acanthopterygii, Paracanthopterygii, and also ctenothrissiform fossils from the Cretaceous Period, such as ‘’Aulolepis’‘ and ‘’Ctenothrissa’‘. Those fossils share several details of the skeleton, and especially of the skull, with modern acanthomorphs. Originally based on anatomy, Acanthomorpha has been borne out by more recent molecular analyses.