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a. (context rare English) (en-comparative of: abstruse)

Usage examples of "abstruser".

If the mind, with greater facility, retains the ideas of geometry clear and determinate, it must carry on a much longer and more intricate chain of reasoning, and compare ideas much wider of each other, in order to reach the abstruser truths of that science.

I was a lover of abstruser researches than the hackneyed subjects of the school, and we had really received such extensive and judicious instructions from the Abbe during our early years that it would have been scarcely possible for any of us to have fallen into a thorough distaste for intellectual pursuits.

What puzzled him more was the abstruser question, where on earth the stranger could have come from so suddenly.

If the mind, with greater facility, re tains the ideas of geometry clear and determinate, it must carry on a much longer and more intricate chain of reason ing, and compare ideas much wider of each other, in order to reach the abstruser truths of that science.

Whether the Ægyptians described a Starre by a Figure of five points, with reference unto the five Capitall aspects,95 whereby they transmit their Influences, or abstruser Considerations?

The part of Minellius, would have fallen in with his genius, and might have been serviceable to many readers, who cannot enter into the abstruser parts of that discourse.