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adv. Marked by abstinence or restraint, especially in relation to food or drink. (First attested in the early 18th century.)(R:SOED5: page=9)


adv. in a sparing manner; without overindulgence; "he ate and drank abstemiously"; "indulged temperately in cocktails" [syn: temperately]

Usage examples of "abstemiously".

He let her sample the brews and it amused her that he would sip abstemiously while filling her cup full.

As wage slaves, toiling early and late, and living abstemiously, we could not save in threescore years--nor in twenty times threescore years--a sum of money sufficient successfully to cope with the great aggregations of massed capital which now exist.

In future I will live even more abstemiously than I usually do, so as to repair the fatal traces in my poor cash-box of my extravagance, and not to be obliged to ask money of my mother before the day when she thinks of sending me some herself.