n. (plural of absorption line English)
Usage examples of "absorption lines".
There were hints of subtle order in the riot of color series of emission and absorption lines, smooth contours of thermal radiation but the infotrope, dazzled, gave in to the overload and simply let the data flow through it.
The strong latinurn absorption lines showed that chemically, it was gold-pressed latinurn.
We picked the operating frequency to coincide with one of the dark absorption lines in the solar spectrum.
Those are absorption lines for oxygen and water, here, aren't they?
Those are absorption lines for oxygen and water, here, aren’.
The spectral absorption lines of water and oxygen were coming from there.
On top of which, all of them show a blue shift in the absorption lines, particularly in the lines contributed by New Earth's own atmosphere, which made no sense whatsoever, up to now.
There are no absorption lines, just a single hue of brilliant red!
In 2009 ESA hopes to launch its Infrared Space Interferometer, not to image distant planets but to find out what their atmospheres are made of by looking for telltale absorption lines in their spectra.
This murky air and the strong absorption lines of SO2 seem to whisper in my ear that we'll find some plenty hot and plenty sulphurous volcanoes when we find the mountains.