The Collaborative International Dictionary
Absorbedly \Ab*sorb"ed*ly\, adv. In a manner as if wholly engrossed or engaged.
adv. In a manner as if wholly engrossed or engaged. (First attested in the mid 19th century.)(R:SOED5: page=9)
Usage examples of "absorbedly".
At first Pop followed absorbedly from city to city, to recover the years that had been wiped out by an axe-blow.
Yet Pop continued to search absorbedly for material with which to capture memory.
Winifred was playing with a little rivulet of water, absorbedly as if nothing had been said.
They explained absorbedly to Calhoun that they were making a cut-off which would adjust to any sudden six-million-kilowatt demand, no matter what time-interval was involved.
He absorbedly transferred the reddish fluid to a miniature filter-barrel, piercing a self-healing plastic cover to do so.
She was absorbedly prodding the aged melon, which she had somehow got hold of.
If she didn’t keep an eye on it, it would wallow away and bump into the trunk of the nearest tree, and there it would stay, absorbedly unfastening and refastening the same shackle.
He came to a halt before it, back to sidewalk and peered absorbedly in.
He couldn't see the act itself, but he could see the man's face across her shoulder, looking absorbedly down.
But Jack Bedell talked absorbedly to her in the rare moments when he was not working by remote control with the staff of the Astrophysical Institute.