n. 1 (context philosophy English) The Platonic form of the supreme idea in which all other ideas participate. 2 The subject object relation.(R:MW3 1976: page=7)
Usage examples of "absolute form".
The transition from the early iconography of the monastic Buddha to an ornamented and crowned figure is probably to be connected with the evolution of the doctrine of the Three Bodies which distinguished from the so-called historical Buddha the Buddhas of Meditation who in turn were manifestations of Buddhahood in its absolute form.
Black mist still hung about, obscuring the monster's form, but it seemed to have no absolute form anyway, shifting, growing limbs, almost on a whim, a writhing mass of blackness.
And thus we find that the simple division into two is the method of multiplication of the Amoeba, the lowest, simplest, and most absolute form of physical life that we know.
This is proof in its most absolute form, in its most detailed and elaborate form.