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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1846, in medicine, from abscess (n.).

  1. (context medical English) Affected by an ''abscess''. (First attested in the mid 19th century.)(R:SOED5: page=8) v

  2. (en-past of: abscess)


adj. infected and filled with pus; "an abscessed tooth"

Usage examples of "abscessed".

The wound was still abscessed, its dressing changed twice a day, but now Harper and Isabella had to wipe the sweat that poured from Sharpe and listen to the ravings that he muttered day and night.

But the truth would be harder to extract from that stern, scar-twisted mouth, than the abscessed tooth had been.

The wound was still abscessed, its dressing changed twice a day, but now Harper and Isabella had to wipe the sweat that poured from Sharpe and listen to the ravings that he muttered day and night.

I'd met Josiah Beardsley, a youth with the worst-looking set of abscessed tonsils I'd ever seen, the day before.

Someone at the Gathering had given me a sponge-a real one, imported from the Indies-in payment for my extracting an abscessed tooth.

He did have an incipient abscessed tooth, but he wasn't aware of it yet, so it wasn't going to distract him from his task.

She looked as if she were waiting for the apothecary to pull an abscessed tooth.

Babcott was heavily involved extracting an abscessed tooth, his knee on the youth's chest, the distraught mother wringing her hands and chattering.

You see, it was Alfred Gilbert I met in Westerbys rooms that day-with a scarf wrapped round the bottom half of his face and a phoney tale about an abscessed tooth.

A tiger was here, too, being treated for an abscessed tooth, but she was kept in a cage in an out-building.

Trying to move the hand, however, trying to pry loose the spike, would be like chewing taffy with an abscessed tooth.

Anton stepped out of the door and felt his jaw as if to say that all the muscles in the world were no protection from an abscessed tooth.

Light-headed -and every muscle in my body screams like an abscessed tooth.

With some thirty souls to hand, there was an immediate call on my mildly rusty services, to stitch up wounds and treat fevers, to lance abscessed boils and scrape infectcd gums.