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n. (plural of abridgment English)

Usage examples of "abridgments".

The abridgments apply the doctrine to cases which make no mention of it, and which were decided before it was ever heard of.

History was reduced to dry and confused abridgments, alike destitute of amusement and instruction.

Lord Coke's caution not to rely on the abridgments is very necessary to the proper study of the history of consideration.

And yet, when he had voiced complaints to the White House about what he saw as dangerous abridgments to the First Amendment he was met with scorn.

Changes have been made only in abridgments of long conversations and of ceremonial details which detracted from the myth as a myth, even though of great ethnological importance.

Fortunately we have a record of their entire proceedings which you can study at your leisure, and there are several excellent abridgments available.

Ten pages of clauses in eight-point type: foreign rights, subsidiary rights, dramatizations, radio and television serialization, film rights, Braille editions, abridgments for Reader’s Digest, guarantees against libel suits, all disputes to be settled by Milan courts.