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n. (plural of abrazo English)

Usage examples of "abrazos".

Later the adults kissed Grandpa, giving him gentle abrazos so as not to cave hi his eggshell chest.

Later the adults kissed Grandpa, giving him gentle abrazos so as not to cave in his eggshell chest.

She was talking about engaging him to do a twenty-four-hour-a-day job for peanuts--no, not even for peanuts, probably for a couple of abrazos, some sacks filled with illegal deer meat, and a bag of beans.

Visiones de brillantes piezas de oro y relucientes joyas, de manjares y bebidas sin límite, y cálidos abrazos de hermosas mujeres de noble cuna que le serían dados como premio a su valentía revoloteaban por su ingenua mente juvenil.