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abound in

vb. To have something in great numbers or quantity; to possess in such abundance as to be characterized by.

abound in

v. exist in large quantity [syn: teem in, pullulate with]

Usage examples of "abound in".

Only a matter of paying a couple of such scoundrels as I understand abound in Spain at this moment - a little bribing of officials, a heavy fee to some English ship-captain.

The OMBU produced no fruit, though fortunately, it would likely abound in fresh eggs, thanks to the numerous nests stowed away among the leaves, not to speak of their feathered proprietors.

The two beaches do certainly abound in life, and they are strangely different.

There are excellent passages, and the Scotch soldier of fortune is welcome, and the ladies abound in subtlety and wit.

The design was a good imitation of those noble sepulchral tablets which abound in the museum at Athens.

They began to abound in the early part of the twelfth century, and I give an illustration of one of this period in the parish church at St.

Their like did not abound in the Limits, save a few lice-covered eaters of carrion haunting some of the darker ways.

Their chief subsistence is derived from the salmon and other fish which abound in the Columbia and its tributary streams, aided by roots and herbs, especially the wappatoo, which is found on the islands of the river.

Doe not weepe (good Fooles) There is no cause: When you shall know your Mistris Ha's deseru'd Prison, then abound in Teares, As I come out.

It is a rock or cliff on the loneliest port of the mountains, and, from the flowering vines which clamber about it, and the wild flowers which abound in its neighborhood, is known by the name of the Garden Rock.

So the puns truly abound in the calendar, but it can still be used for Mundane purpose, if you are too stupid to mind the sticky dates.

I presume that the numerous lower pelagic animals feed on the Infusoria, which are now known, from the researches of Ehrenberg, to abound in the open ocean: but on what, in the clear blue water, do these Infusoria subsist?