adv. (obsolete typography of above English)
Usage examples of "aboue".
As he that striues to stop a suddein flood,And in strong banckes his violence enclose,Forceth it swell aboue his wonted mood,And largely ouerflow the fruitfull plaine,That all the countrey seemes to be a Maine,And the rich furrowes flote, all quite fordonne:The wofull husbandman doth lowd complaine,To see his whole yeares labour lost so soone,For which to God he made so many an idle boone.
In her faire eyes two liuing lamps did flame,Kindled aboue at th'heauenly makers light,And darted fyrie beames out of the same,So passing persant, and so wondrous bright,That quite bereau'd the rash beholders sight:In them the blinded god his lustfull fireTo kindle oft assayd, but had no might.
By vew of her he ginneth to reuiueHis ancient loue, and dearest Cyparisse,And calles to mind his pourtraiture aliue,How faire he was, and yet not faire to this,And how he slew with glauncing dart amisseA gentle Hynd, the which the louely boyDid loue as life, aboue all worldly blisse.
A wicked Spright yfraught with fawning guile,And faire resemblance aboue all the rest,Which with the Prince of Darknesse fell somewhile,From heauens blisse and euerlasting rest.
As when a Dolphin and a Sele are met,In the wide champian of the Ocean plaine:With cruell chaufe their courages they whet,The maysterdome of each by force to gaine,And dreadfull battaile twixt them do darraine:They snuf, they snort, they bo˜uce, they rage, they rore,That all the sea disturbed with their traine,Doth frie with fome aboue the surges hore.
That Turrets frame most admirable was,Like highest heauen compassed around,And lifted high aboue this earthly masse,Which it suruew'd, as hils doen lower ground.
Thy name ô: soueraine Queene, thy realme and race,From this renowmed Prince deriued arre,Who mightily vpheld that royall mace,Which now thou bear'st, to thee descended farreFrom mightie kings and conquerours in warre,Thy fathers and great Grandfathers of old,Whose noble deedes aboue the Northerne starreImmortall fame for euer hath enrold.
But that bold knight, whom ye pursuing sawThat Geauntesse, is not such, as she seemed,But a faire virgin, that in martiall law,And deedes of armes aboue all Dames is deemed,And aboue many knights is eke esteemed,For her great worth.